+447418348011 info@gmilogs.com MON to SAT: 8AMto 6PM | SUN: 9AM to 12PM

Global Maritime International Logistics
Fast. Safe. Secure.

Air Freight

Air freight logistics is the shipment of goods via a chartered or scheduled air carrier. Air Freight is an essential component to any international logistics network.

Ocean Freight

We offer a diverse range of transportation services from cargo to international transportation and domestic retail distribution and delivery.


Our modern equipped vehicles are operating in countries worldwide under our own banner or our clients’ livery. Our fleet counts over 30 vehicles.

Track & Trace

We are committed to ensuring that your privacy and security is protected at all times – In fact, we care so much that we offer guaranteed stealth delivery to anywhere in the world at no extra cost! All orders are fully guaranteed, so whatever happens, nothing will ever stand between you and your shipments!

To track your order please enter your Name, Email, and Tracking Number in the box below and click the “Track Result” button